Bantam Audiobooks Podcast

Bantam Audiobooks Podcast by Bantam AudioBooks

Bantam AudioBooks

Short stories, bits of books, and thoughts on how to write or read well.

Categories: Arts

Listen to the last episode:

In which I talk about bookjacking what it is and why it's bad.

Check out my blog!

Previous episodes

  • 25 - Bookjacking 
    Sun, 30 Jan 2022
  • 24 - Elevator pitches and why you need one 
    Wed, 05 May 2021
  • 23 - Emotional Fatigue 
    Mon, 01 Feb 2021
  • 22 - Dividing Blades, Cole Riley Slaamot 
    Mon, 21 Dec 2020
  • 21 - Worldbuilding What If We Did Not Have Rubber 
    Tue, 01 Dec 2020
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